
Create presentations that stand out! Spice-Up has everything you need to create simple and beautiful presentations. Get your ideas across with beautiful designed templates, or start from scratch with a blank canvas. Either way, you will add some spice to your presentations with a wide variety of background patterns and a beautiful color palette. Spice Presentations Look Amazing!
Images, Shapes, Text, as well as beautiful background patterns and easy to make custom gradients!
Easy-to-design slides and powerful features:
Exporting to PDF: Share your presentation with anyone, no matter the platform they’re at.
Presentation Browser: Scroll though the presentations you have made and jump right into them with one click!.
Controller Support: If you have a USB or Bluetooth controller, plug it in and control your slides!
Web Viewer: Presentations can now be viewed from a web browser if Spice-Up is not installed, even if you’re not using Linux. No extra software needed! Edit images in your favorite editor, and it will automatically update when saved.
Templates: A touch of creativity is all you need to make presentations in a blink of an eye.
Notes: Present like a pro with slide-by-slide notes only viewable by you!
And much more!