लोडर प्रतिमा

टॅग: अल्बम


If you have hundreds or even thousands of images on your hard drive, it becomes impossible to remember the story behind every single image or the names of the persons photographed. KPhotoAlbum was created to help you describe your images and then search the big pile of pictures quickly and efficiently.


gThumb is an image viewer and browser for the GNOME Desktop. It also includes an importer tool for transferring photos from cameras.

कॉपीराइट © 2025 ट्रॉम-जारो. सर्व हक्क राखीव. | साधा पर्सोना द्वाराथीम पकडा

आम्हाला TROM आणि त्याच्या सर्व प्रकल्पांना कायमचे सपोर्ट करण्यासाठी दरमहा 5 युरो देण्यासाठी 200 लोकांची आवश्यकता आहे.