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Privasi dan Utiliti

Privasi dan Utiliti


The core features of Cumulonimbus a glance:

  • Search for and subscribe to podcasts
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Queue episodes for playback
  • Manage your subscriptions
  • Filter episodes by duration and date
  • Export/import podcasts (.opml)
  • Option to refresh podcast artwork

Langkau ke kandungan berfikir tentang "Privasi dan Utiliti

  1. Perhaps by far the best Podcast application out there. We recommend it to listen to TROM Curated Podcasts. You can both search for a Podcast in the search database, or simply paste (in the same search) an RSS for any Podcast that you may not find there. So easy and so functional!

Tinggalkan pesanan

Alamat e-mel anda tidak akan diterbitkan. Medan yang diperlukan ditanda *

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