immaġni tal-loader


RELEASE 20.01.2021

A few changes and a few updates. Here are the changes:

      • We replace our main Notes application’s source, from feathernotes-git to noti tar-rix, so we recommend that you reinstall it form hawn after you remove the old one. We’ve also set it up so that it remembers the last opened note. If you are a TROMjaro user, go to Preferences Text and enable “Open the last note“.
      • We added OpenRGB, a great utility that supports many types of hardware. It allows you to change the RGB colors for keyboards, mouse, or other types of hardware.
      • We installed the Fuzzy App Search Gnome extension. This simple extension allows for “fuzzy” search inside the operating system (the Dash). In other words, if you type “ffirefx” it should be able to find the app Firefox. So you do not have to type the exact name of an app.

        Side note: on the first boot after the install, the Unite extension doesn’t load and so it is the case for Firefox’s settings. Either reboot the computer or refresh the desktop by pressing Alt + F2, write “r”, press enter. Or close Firefox and open it again. We do not know what causes this bug but it is easily fixable by simply restarting the computer, desktop, or Firefox. And it will work after that.

Awtur: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

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