Multiplatform application, currently available for linux, windows, macOS and android, which allows you to take notes in an intelligent way, you can record audio as you write, and listen to it again seeing what you have written for every second of the audio. …Kompli qariWriternote
The purpose of this project is to enable everyone to be able to share files privately in real time, without the use of the major tech companies and cloud providers. …Kompli qariRiftshare
Flare huwa sors miftuħ, RPG ta' azzjoni 2D liċenzjat taħt il-liċenzja GPL3. Il-logħob tiegħu jista' jitqabbel mal-logħob fis-serje Diablo. … Kompli qariFlare
Secrets is a password manager which integrates perfectly with the GNOME desktop and provides an easy and uncluttered interface for the management of password databases. …Kompli qariSecrets
When you study music on high school, college, music conservatory, you usually have to do ear training. GNU Solfege tries to help out with this. …Kompli qariSolfege