immaġni tal-loader




Giada is an open source, minimalistic and hardcore music production tool. Designed for DJs, live performers and electronic musicians.
  • Your sample player! Load samples from your crates and play them with a computer keyboard or a MIDI controller;
  • Your loop machine! Build your performance in real time by layering audio tracks or MIDI events, driven by the main sequencer;
  • Your song editor! Write songs from scratch or edit existing live recordings with the powerful Action Editor, for a fine-tuned control;
  • Your live recorder! Record sounds from the real world and MIDI events coming from external devices or other apps;
  • Your FX processor! Process samples or audio/MIDI input signals with VST instruments from your plug-ins collection;
  • Your MIDI controller! Control other software or synchronize physical MIDI devices by using Giada as a MIDI master sequencer.
  • Ultra-lightweight internal design;
  • multi-thread/multi-core support;
  • 32-bit floating point audio engine;
  • ALSA, JACK + Transport, CoreAudio, ASIO and DirectSound full support;
  • unlimited number of channels (optionally controllable via computer keyboard);
  • BPM and beat sync with sample-accurate loop engine;
  • MIDI output support, featuring custom MIDI lightning messages;
  • super-sleek, built-in Wave Editor for audio samples and Piano Roll editor for MIDI messages;
  • automatic quantizer;
  • portable project storage system, based on super-hackable JSON files;
  • support for all major uncompressed file formats;
  • test-driven development style supported by Travis CI u Catch
  • under a constant stage of development;

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