Ċentru ta' Monitoraġġ tas-Sistema Permezz ta ' Bylinetrom fuq August 5, 20224 ta’ Settembru, 2022 Multi-featured system monitor. … Kompli qariĊentru ta' Monitoraġġ tas-Sistema
Sweeper Permezz ta ' Bylinetrom fuq May 9, 202120 ta’ Marzu, 2021 Sweeper helps to clean unwanted traces the user leaves on the system. It can remove cookies and clean out caches, for example. … Kompli qariSweeper
Filelight Permezz ta ' Bylinetrom fuq March 27, 202125 ta’ Jannar, 2023 Filelight is an application to visualize the disk usage on your computer … Kompli qariFilelight
OpenRGB Permezz ta ' Bylinetrom fuq 20 ta’ Jannar, 202120 ta’ Jannar, 2021 Open source RGB lighting control that doesn’t depend on manufacturer software. … Kompli qariOpenRGB
CoreCtrl Permezz ta ' Bylinetrom fuq December 13, 202029 ta 'Diċembru, 2020 CoreCtrl is a Free and Open Source GNU/Linux application that allows you to control with ease your computer hardware using application profiles. It aims to be flexible, comfortable and accessible to regular users. … Kompli qariCoreCtrl
GTKhash Permezz ta ' Bylinetrom fuq 25 ta’ Novembru, 201929 ta 'Diċembru, 2020 Utilità tad-desktop fuq pjattaformi għall-komputazzjoni ta' diġestimenti ta' messaġġi jew checksums... Kompli qariGTKhash