

TSO TAWM 01.06.2020

Lub sij hawm no peb txiav txim ib ISO loj uas muaj ntau tshiab (feem coob los ntawm tus Manjaro Stable ceg). Ntawm no yog cov kev hloov xov xwm/kev hloov uas txawv tshaj:

    • Peb strive kom ib tug desktop yooj yim heev nrog ob peb apps ntsia los ntawm default. Tab sis peb muaj tias peb yeej uas ploj lawm ob uas yuav tseem ceeb rau cov neeg feem coob: Moos Thiab Kev sib cuag. Cov no yog yooj yim heev, tiam sis yuav pab tau yog tias cov neeg siv yuav tsum muaj ib daim ntawv teev cov kev sib cuag uas yuav integrate rau lub desktopop (piv txwv nrog koj tus NextCloud instance, yuav tsum hu rau koj cov desktop contacts). Clocks cia koj ntxiv ntau clocks ntawm ib ncig lub ntiaj teb kom khiav ntawm lub sij hawm zoo noj, lossis koj yuav teev tseg tau tswb lossis mus saib tau ib stopwatch. cuabyeej.
    • Lub neej firefox Nrhiav Engine: qhov no yog ib qho loj txhim kho! Tsis txhob siv cov pauv trade-raws li DuckDuckGo los yog lwm yam cav tshawb xyaw, peb muaj tam sim no siv los ntawm cov neeg laus sib deev. SearX yog ib qho chaw nrhiav cav uas leej twg yuav nruab nrab ntawm lawv pab. Nws yog raws li koj tau txais thiab yuav tshawb fawb los nrhiav xyaw xws li google, duckduckgo, yahoo, yahoo, bing thiab tus zoo li, tab sis nws tshem tej trackers thiab ntxiv ua ntej delivering qhov txheeb xyuas tau rau koj. Koj tsis pauv rau qhov chaw nrhiav cav no! caij nyoog. Qhov zoo heev yog tias koj yuav nrhiav tau los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv xws li cov ntaub ntawv, xov xwm, dluab los yog daim ntawv qhia. Txawm yog 'kev kawm' thiaj li yuav nrhiav tau cov txheej xwm scientific. Ntxiv rau ntawd, thaum twg tau nws yuav qhib qhov scientific uas SciHub los yog lwm platforms uas lov cov paywalls ntawm luam. Koj muaj peev xwm nrhiav tau ib yam nkaus thiab, tej txoj kev uas koj xav tau. Yog li, vim peb tsis tau ntxiv SearX ncaj qha mus rau hauv Firefox, peb ntxiv 10 ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws uas peb kuaj. Koj yuav nrhiav tau ib daim ntawv teev cov kev lom zem no No. We added the following instances: https://searx.privatenet.cf/, https://search.snopyta.org/, https://searx.be/, https://search.mdosch.de/, https://searx.tuxcloud.net/, https://searx.ninja/, https://searx.info/, https://searx.rasp.fr/, https://searx.decatec.de/, https://search.disroot.org/. We used the Firefox Addon ‘Add Custom Search Engine’ to add them and since that Addon is installed on TROMjaro’s Firefox, it means that you can add any instance on top of those. Simply click the Addon (search icon) in Firefox and follow the simple instructions. The best thing is that now you have 10 search engines, and all are the same, and all are fast and smart and trade-free. And independent from each other. If one doesn’t work, you can use the other one. When you type in Firefox’s URL bar to search for something, you will see 10 small search icons bellow that. If you click any, it will open with the selected SearX instance. If you just hit enter, it will use the default SearX instance that is set up in Firefox. This is finally a long term solution for TROMjaro’s default Search Engine and we are so happy with it.
    • We removed Font Finder from the pre-installed apps since it is using the Google Fonts. Despite the fact that we still consider this a trade-free application, it is not as “pure” as to include it by default with TROMjaro. But anyone can install it from our apps library.
    • We replaced the default cursor theme with the Breeze theme. Previous users can simply install it and replace it from the Tweaks. We are using this cursor because it fits better with our desktop theme and it has better visibility on multiple types of backgrounds.
    • We added the package ‘hardcode-fixer‘ so that in the future some apps that do not play well with custom icons, will play well with custom icons. And the package ‘manjaro-zsh-config‘.

There are two known bugs with this ISO that are easy to get around: when you first boot into the Live ISO or after you install TROMjaro, the extension Unite does not load. This extension removes the top bar of apps’ windows when they are maximized. The other bug is that Firefox does not load all of the Addons when you first open it. Both can be easily fixed with a restart of the desktop: press ALT + F2, write ‘r’ and then press enter. Or restart the computer. Or close Firefox and open it again. We do not know why these are happening but they do not persist. It is only an issue when you first boot after the installation.

Not related to the ISO itself, but you can now sau npe to receive email updates whenever we release a new ISO or via RSS.

Sau: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

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