

TSO TAWM 03.12.2020

        • Peb migrated knernel 510. Qhov no yog qhov tseeb sij hawm ntev tso (LTS) kernel. Lub kernel yog tus tub ntxhais ntawm lub kaw lus operating, muab tus tsav tsheb thiab tag nrho cov 'goodies'. Tus tshiab kernel, zoo lub compatibility nrog lub hardware. Li ntawd, peb mas pom zoo sawv daws mus upgrade rau lub kernel tseeb. Qhov no yog ib xyoos los yog ntau dua, siab koj. Mus upgrade, qhib qhov Manjaro Teev:

          Mus rau "txhos caug"thiab nruab plaws 5.10 version tsuas clicking qhov "nruab nrabkhawm. Tom qab tus plahaum yog ua thawv rau koj lub computer in order to use it. In the very first seconds of your computer rebooting, xovxwm SHIFT Ntawm koj keyboard ntau zaus kom txog thaum koj pom ib tug zauv tshuab raj. Xaiv cov Kev xaiv ua ntejthiab ces xaiv tsev noj hmo 5.10.

          Uas yog tag nrho. Txij tam sim no nyob rau hauv koj lub computer yuav siv lub kernel tshiab. Congrats!
      • Peb zoo tuaj lub TROMjaro nruab nrab (Calamares) ntawd yog cov tsim. Tam sim no nws zoo nkaus li cov TROMjaro tag nrho OS, thiab ua rau nws yooj yim rau cov neeg ua raws li cov kauj ruam yooj yim rau nruab nrab nws.
      • Peb kho peb sib deev Nrhiav cav, tus neeg ntawd TROMjaro nrhiav cav. Tam sim no nws yog sai, ntau dua, thiab ruaj ntseg dua. Yog hais tias koj yeej pom tias thaum twg koj hom dab tsi rau hauv lub Firefox url bar, nrhiav tsis mus nrhiav lub cav nrhiav cav thiab nws tsuas opens tuaj SearX, ces mus Firefox – Nyiam – Tshawb Fawb. Scroll cia thiab tshem cov TROMland searx. Tam sim no mus ntsib tus xyaw searx engine dua (https://tromland.org/searx/thiab ntawm qhov saum toj kawg nkaus, qhov 3 dotsNtxiv thiab, ntxiv rov qab mus rau Firefox. Lastly, rov qab mus rau Xovxwm thiab ua kom nws default. Uas yog nws.
        • Peb hloov cov pob khoom cups thiab hlipp pej xeem los tuavVim tias qhov pob no yuav tsum muaj tag nrho cov uas yuav tsum tau mus printers kom ua hauj lwm zoo.

Sab nraud: ntawm tus thawj khau raj tom qab lub plawv, lub tsev extension tsis load thiab ces nws yog rooj plaub no rau Firefox lub teev. Ob tog reboot lub computer los yog refresh lub rooj yog nias Alt + F2, sau "r", nias nkag mus rau hauv lub computer los yog refresh lub rooj yog nias Alt + F2, sau "r", nias nkag mus rau. Los yog kaw Firefox thiab qhib nws dua. Peb tsis paub tias ua li cas thiaj yooj yim tiam sis nws yog yooj yim heev los tsuas restarting lub computer, desktop, los yog Firefox. Thiab nws yuav ua hauj lwm tom qab ntawd.

Sau: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

Sau ntawv cia

Koj qhov chaw nyob yuav tsis raug luam tawm. Daim teb yuav tsum tau khij lub npe *

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Peb xav tau 200 tus neeg pub 5 Euros ib lub hlis thiaj li yuav txhawb TROM thiab tag nrho nws tej yaam num, ib si.