



Txaus siab rau ib distraction-dawb sau ntawv, xws li ib daim ntawv qhia txog kev tshuaj ntsuam hom thiab ib interface. Nrog Markdown, koj yuav sau tam sim no, thiab daim ntawv tom qab ntawd.
The built-in light and dark themes provide an aesthetic writing experience out of the box.
Preview your Markdown document in HTML. With the live preview, you can copy the HTML to paste into your blog, or export to another format. You can even set your own custom style sheet to see how your document will appear once it is posted on your website.

The live preview is optimized for large documents, so you can work carefree without worrying about the application freezing while you type.

Use the built-in processor, Sundown, to export to HTML. Alternatively, install any of the following to export to multiple formats in your preferred Markdown flavor:

  • Pandoc
  • MultiMarkdown
  • cmark

Sau ntawv cia

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