Ib suab designer npau suav. Ib tug phooj ywg, qhib zej zog.
Featuring ntau synthesis txheej txheem, xaiv cov filters, ib yooj ywm modulation cav, ib smorgasbord ntawm teebmeem, thiab niaj hnub nta xws li MPE thiab microtuning.
Synthesis txoj kev: Subtractive hybrid
Txhua thaj muaj ob scenes uas yog cais instances ntawm tag nrho synthesis cav (tsuas yog teebmeem) uas yuav siv tau los ua layered los yog phua patches.
Ceev qeb kuas patch browser nrog textual nrhiav thiab favorites
Sau rau ntau yam kev khiav hauj lwm lub nruab, plugin formats, thiab architectures
Txhua thaj muaj ob scenes uas yog cais instances ntawm tag nrho synthesis cav (tsuas yog teebmeem) uas yuav siv tau los ua layered los yog phua patches.
Ceev qeb kuas patch browser nrog textual nrhiav thiab favorites
Sau rau ntau yam kev khiav hauj lwm lub nruab, plugin formats, thiab architectures
3 oscillators per scene, with 12 versatile oscillator algorithms: Classic, Modern, Wavetable, Window, Sine, FM2, FM3, String, Twist, Alias, S&H Noise and Audio Input.
Classic oscillator yog ib tug pulse morphable pulse/pom/dual pom oscillator nrog ib sub-oscillator thiab nyuaj sync.
Niaj hnub oscillator yog ib tug mixable pom/pulse/triangle oscillator nrog ib qho kev xaiv sub-oscillator hom rau triangle (uas yuav tau hloov mus sine los yog square) thiab nyuaj sync.
FM2/FM3 oscillators consist of ib carrier thiab 2 los yog 3 modulators thiab ntau yam kev xaiv.
String oscillator siv ob filtered waveguides los emulate plucked los yog bowed hlua suab.
Twist oscillator yog raws li ib tug nto moo Heev Eurorack macro oscillator, thiab nws muaj ib myriad ntawm synthesis xaiv nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev yooj yim heev thiab ceev txoj kev.
Feem ntau algorithms (tsuas yog FM2, FM3, Twist thiab Audio Input) muaj txog li 16-suab unison ntawm lub oscillator theem.
Oscillator FM hauv 3 txawv configurations thiab nplhaib modulation ntawm oscillators 1-2 thiab 2-3.
Feem ntau oscillator algorithms (tsuas yog FM2, FM3, Sine thiab Alias) yog nruj me ntsis band-txwv, tsis tau tseem npog tag nrho audible spectrum, delivering ib ntshiab, punchy thiab ntxuav suab.
Nrov generator nrog variable spectrum (muaj ncaj qha mus ncaj qha rau hauv lub oscillator mixer).
Classic oscillator yog ib tug pulse morphable pulse/pom/dual pom oscillator nrog ib sub-oscillator thiab nyuaj sync.
Niaj hnub oscillator yog ib tug mixable pom/pulse/triangle oscillator nrog ib qho kev xaiv sub-oscillator hom rau triangle (uas yuav tau hloov mus sine los yog square) thiab nyuaj sync.
FM2/FM3 oscillators consist of ib carrier thiab 2 los yog 3 modulators thiab ntau yam kev xaiv.
String oscillator siv ob filtered waveguides los emulate plucked los yog bowed hlua suab.
Twist oscillator yog raws li ib tug nto moo Heev Eurorack macro oscillator, thiab nws muaj ib myriad ntawm synthesis xaiv nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev yooj yim heev thiab ceev txoj kev.
Feem ntau algorithms (tsuas yog FM2, FM3, Twist thiab Audio Input) muaj txog li 16-suab unison ntawm lub oscillator theem.
Oscillator FM hauv 3 txawv configurations thiab nplhaib modulation ntawm oscillators 1-2 thiab 2-3.
Feem ntau oscillator algorithms (tsuas yog FM2, FM3, Sine thiab Alias) yog nruj me ntsis band-txwv, tsis tau tseem npog tag nrho audible spectrum, delivering ib ntshiab, punchy thiab ntxuav suab.
Nrov generator nrog variable spectrum (muaj ncaj qha mus ncaj qha rau hauv lub oscillator mixer).
Lim dej thaiv:
Ob lub limtiam nyob rau hauv 8 sib txawv configurations.
Feedback loop muaj nyob rau hauv 7 ntawm cov configurations.
Available filter algorithms: Lowpass (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 3 variations), Legacy Ladder Lowpass (6-24 dB/oct), Vintage Ladder Lowpass (2 variations, each with and without gain compensation), Highpass (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 3 variations), Bandpass (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 3 variations), Notch (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 2 variations), Allpass (3 variations), Comb (positive and negative), S&H.
Qhib-qhov ntxiv rau peb filter algorithms muaj xws li: K35 thiab Diode Ladder filter hom ntawm Odin 2 synthesizer, 12 thiab 24 dB/oct multimode filters ntawm OB-Xd, thiab weird tab sis fascinating Cutoff Warp, Resonance Warp thiab Tri-Pole filters los Jatin Chowdhury!
Filters yuav nws tus kheej oscillate (nrog excitation) thiab teb amazingly ceev txiav cutoff frequency hloov.
Waveshaper (43 shapes).
Feedback loop muaj nyob rau hauv 7 ntawm cov configurations.
Available filter algorithms: Lowpass (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 3 variations), Legacy Ladder Lowpass (6-24 dB/oct), Vintage Ladder Lowpass (2 variations, each with and without gain compensation), Highpass (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 3 variations), Bandpass (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 3 variations), Notch (12 and 24 dB/oct, each with 2 variations), Allpass (3 variations), Comb (positive and negative), S&H.
Qhib-qhov ntxiv rau peb filter algorithms muaj xws li: K35 thiab Diode Ladder filter hom ntawm Odin 2 synthesizer, 12 thiab 24 dB/oct multimode filters ntawm OB-Xd, thiab weird tab sis fascinating Cutoff Warp, Resonance Warp thiab Tri-Pole filters los Jatin Chowdhury!
Filters yuav nws tus kheej oscillate (nrog excitation) thiab teb amazingly ceev txiav cutoff frequency hloov.
Waveshaper (43 shapes).
12 LFO chav nyob muaj, 6 yog ib lub suab thiab 6 yog ntiaj teb no rau cov tseem scene.
DAHDSR hnab ntawv generators rau txhua LFO.
LFO shapes consist of 7 deformable LFO waveforms, kauj ruam sequencer, ib mas-fledged multi-segment generator (MSEG) nrog ntau yam curves thiab mus txog 128 nodes, thiab kawg tiam sis tsis tsawg kawg yog – ib tug qauv modulator uas utilizes Lua scripting lus muab cov lus modulator tso zis.
Voice LFOs pub lub hnab ntawv retriggering hauv kauj ruam sequencer hom.
Tsis tshua muaj neeg ceev thiab yooj ywm modulation routing. Yuav luag txhua continuous parameter yuav modulated!
DAHDSR hnab ntawv generators rau txhua LFO.
LFO shapes consist of 7 deformable LFO waveforms, kauj ruam sequencer, ib mas-fledged multi-segment generator (MSEG) nrog ntau yam curves thiab mus txog 128 nodes, thiab kawg tiam sis tsis tsawg kawg yog – ib tug qauv modulator uas utilizes Lua scripting lus muab cov lus modulator tso zis.
Voice LFOs pub lub hnab ntawv retriggering hauv kauj ruam sequencer hom.
Tsis tshua muaj neeg ceev thiab yooj ywm modulation routing. Yuav luag txhua continuous parameter yuav modulated!