Bovo is a Gomoku (from Japanese 五目並べ – lit. “five points”) like game for two players, where the opponents alternate in placing their respective pictogram on the game board. (Also known as: Connect Five, Five in a row, X and O, Naughts and Crosses)
KHangMan is a game based on the well-known hangman game. It is aimed at children aged six and over. The game has several categories of words to play with, for example: Animals (animals words) and three difficulty categories: Easy, Medium and Hard. A word is picked at random, the letters are hidden, and you must guess the word by trying one letter after another. Each time you guess a wrong letter, part of a picture of a hangman is drawn. You must guess the word before being hanged! You have 10 tries.
Quadrapassel क्लासिक पतन-ब्लक खेल, Tetris बाट आउँछ। खेलको लक्ष्य ब्लकहरूको पूर्ण तेर्सो रेखाहरू सिर्जना गर्नु हो, जुन हराउनेछ। ब्लकहरू प्रत्येक चारवटा ब्लकहरूबाट बनेका सात फरक आकारहरूमा आउँछन्: एउटा सीधा, दुई एल-आकारको, एक वर्ग, र दुई एस-आकारको। ब्लकहरू स्क्रिनको शीर्ष केन्द्रबाट अनियमित क्रममा खस्छन्। तपाइँ ब्लकहरू घुमाउनुहोस् र तिनीहरूलाई पूर्ण लाइनहरूमा छोड्नको लागि स्क्रिनमा सार्नुहोस्। तपाइँ ब्लकहरू छिटो छोडेर र लाइनहरू पूरा गरेर स्कोर गर्नुहुन्छ। तपाईंको स्कोर बढ्दै जाँदा, तपाईं स्तर माथि जानुहुन्छ र ब्लकहरू छिटो खस्नुहुन्छ। …