लोडर छवि

Deepin Music

Deepin Music


It is a music player for playing music. It is an awesome music player with brilliant and tweakful UI Deepin-UI based. For those users who like to use the Deepin-UI, snap provides a way for them to use the app on Ubuntu platform and other platforms. Feature wise the player ticks all the usual boxes: it can scan, list and play your local music files; it lets you sort by album, artist and added date; there’s playlist creation; an integrated lyrics feature; optional dark mode; and automatic album artwork fetching.

जवाफ छाड्नुस्

तपाईंको इमेल ठेगाना प्रकाशित गरिने छैन। आवश्यक क्षेत्रहरू चिन्ह लगाइएका छन् *

प्रतिलिपि अधिकार © २०२४ ट्रोम-जारो। सबै अधिकार सुरक्षित। | द्वारा सरल व्यक्तित्वथिमहरू समात्नुहोस्

हामीलाई TROM र यसका सबै परियोजनाहरूलाई सदाको लागि समर्थन गर्नको लागि 200 व्यक्तिहरू प्रति महिना 5 यूरो दान गर्न आवश्यक छ ।