chithunzi chotsitsa

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chithunzi chotsitsa
chithunzi chotsitsa

This application seems to not want trades from you, but using Yandex, Google, or Bing may mean that those services want trades from you (like data colelction).

chithunzi chotsitsa

A simple and lightweight translator that allows to translate and speak text using Google, Yandex and Bing.


  • Translate and speak text in any application that supports text selection
  • Support 117 different languages
  • Low memory consumption (~20MB)Highly customizable shortcuts
  • Command-line interface with rich options
  • Available for Linux and Windows

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Tikufuna anthu a 200 kuti apereke ma Euro 5 pamwezi kuti athandizire TROM ndi ntchito zake zonse, kwamuyaya.