
chithunzi chotsitsa
MComix ndiwosavuta kugwiritsa ntchito, wowonera makonda. Amapangidwa makamaka kuti azigwira mabuku azithunzithunzi (zoseketsa zaku Western ndi manga) ndipo zimathandizira mitundu yosiyanasiyana ya ziwiya (kuphatikiza CBR, CBZ, CB7, CBT, LHA ndi PDF). MComix ndi foloko ya Comix.
- Reads most common image formats, as well as PDF, ZIP, RAR, 7Z and LHA archives directly.
- Fullscreen mode, double-page mode, fit image to window width, height or both.
- Smart scrolling for easier reading (just hit the space bar a few times and see how it works)
- Manga mode (for right-to-left comic books)