chithunzi chotsitsa

nyumba zakale


chithunzi chotsitsa

Museeks aims to be a simple and easy to use music player with a clean UI.

You will not find tons of features, as its goals is not to compete with more complete and more famous music players. Here is a little preview though:
  • computer Cross-platform music player (Linux, macOS and Windows)
  • headphones Supported formats: mp3, mp4, m4a/aac, flac, wav, ogg, 3gpp
  • sparkles Clean and polished
  • star2 Playlists
  • musical_score Queue management
  • curly_loop Shuffle, loop
  • sunrise_over_mountains Covers
  • nerd_face Dark theme
  • speedboat Playback speed control
  • sleeping Sleep mode blocker
  • loud_sound Minimize to tray
  • arrows_counterclockwise .m3u import/export

Pitani ku zomwe zili

Pitani ku zomwe zili Pitani ku zomwe zili Pitani ku zomwe zili… 2025 chithunzi………

Tikufuna anthu a 200 kuti apereke ma Euro 5 pamwezi kuti athandizire TROM ndi ntchito zake zonse, kwamuyaya.