tsita ar cargador




A FLOSS multi-account Mastodon and Pleroma desktop client. Sengi will let you use all your accounts easily and seamlessly

Ya 'befi:

  • Seamless account switch: Just click on the account’s avatar, and all your next actions will be performed by it.
  • All instances timelines in one place: Add timelines and lists from all your accounts in the same interface.
  • Don’t lose your focus: Opening a profile, thread, hashtag or even just replying to someone will always take place in the current Timeline.
  • Labels: Get a quick insight if a status is part of a thread, has replies, is from a bot, is old or was cross-posted (limited to local TL).
  • Auto-remove Thread’s Content-Warnings: Easily remove all CW from a thread with one single click!


Ár 'mui correo electrónico hingi ar publicará. Ya campos obligatorios gi 'bu̲hu̲ marcados *

'Mui autor © 2024 TROM — Jaro. Nga̲tho ya mfats'i reservados. | Simple ya jä'i jaAr mfeni captura

Necesitamos da 200 ya jä'i donen 5 ar euros da ar zänä da apoyar jar TROM ne nga̲tho yá 'yot'e, pa zäntho.