Calibre is a powerful and easy to use e-book manager
Lector torio
Thorium Reader is an easy to use EPUB reading application.
Sigil is a multi-platform EPUB ebook editor .
MComix ge 'nar visor ar imágenes hei ar zu̲di ne personalizable. Xi diseñado específicamente pa 'ye̲ cómics (tanto cómics occidentales nu'u̲ manga) ne admite 'nar variedad formatos contenedores (incluidos CBR, CBZ, CB7, CBT, LHA ne PDF). MComix ge 'nar bifurcación Comix.
Cross platform open source e-book reader.
A simple and modern eBook viewer
Read the books you love without having to worry about different format complexities like epub, pdf, mobi, cbr, etc.