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Geonkick is a synthesizer that can synthesize elements of percussion. The most basic examples are: kicks, snares, hit-hats, shakers, claps, sticks. Also, it can play samples.
  • Monophonic
  • 3 layers
  • Layers Mixer
  • 2 oscillators per layer:
    – sine, square, triangle, saw-tooth, sample (wav, ogg, flac)
    – initial phase control
    – amplitude & frequency envelope
    – low, band and high pass filter, cutoff envelope
  • FM synthesis
    – OSC1->OSC2
  • One noise generator per layer
    – white & brownian
    – amplitude envelope
    – low, band and high pass filter, cutoff envelope
  • General
    – amplitude envelope & kick length

– low & high pass filter, cutoff envelope
– limiter
– compression
– distortion

  • Jack support:
    – 1 MIDI in, key velocity sensitive
    – 2 audio out
  • Export
    – stereo & mono
    – WAV: 16, 24, 32 bit
    – FLAC: 16, 24 bit
    – Ogg Vorbis
  • Open & Save preset in JSON format
  • Standalone
  • Pitch to note
  • Plugin
    – LV2

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