Magically transform your images with Conjure. Resize, crop, rotate, flip images, apply various filters and effects, adjust levels and brightness, and much more.
تصويري رول
Image Roll is a simple and fast GTK image viewer with basic image manipulation tools.
پابندي مڙهيل
The Ristretto Image Viewer is an application that can be used to view, and scroll through images.
آر نوٽ
A simple drawing application to create handwritten notes.
nomacs هڪ مفت، اوپن سورس تصويري ناظر آهي، جيڪو ڪيترن ئي پليٽ فارمن کي سپورٽ ڪري ٿو. توھان ان کي استعمال ڪري سگھوٿا سڀني عام تصويري فارميٽ کي ڏسڻ لاءِ بشمول RAW ۽ psd تصويرون.
ڌيان ڏيڻ وارو
Simple & versatile image editor.
dupeGuru is a cross-platform (Linux, OS X, Windows) GUI tool to find duplicate files in a system.
ڪوري تصوير
An image viewer for C Suite.
Detwinner توهان جي لينڪس پي سي مان نقل فائلن کي هٽائڻ لاء تمام آسان ۽ تيز ترين اوزار آهي.
Curtail (previously ImCompressor) is an useful image compressor, supporting PNG and JPEG file types.