لوڊ ڪندڙ تصوير



(مان ڇا واپار ڪري رهيو آهيان؟)

You may trade data and attention to some modules that this app uses, such as tiny.cloud, the amazon cloud, or googlecloud. But generally the app seems trade-free.

لوڊ ڪندڙ تصوير

Unlike static-site generators that are often unwieldy and difficult to use, Publii provides an easy-to-understand UI much like server-based CMSs such as WordPress or Joomla!, where users can create posts and other site content, and style their site using a variety of built-in themes and options. Users can enjoy the benefits of a super-fast and secure static website, with all the convenience that a CMS provides.

What makes Publii even more unique is that the app runs locally on your desktop rather than on the site’s server. Available for Windows, Mac, Linux once the app has been installed you can create a site in minutes, even without internet access; since Publii is a desktop app you can create, update and modify your site offline, then upload the site changes to your server at the click of a button. Publii supports multiple upload options, including standard HTTP/HTTPS servers, Netlify, Amazon S3, GitHub Pages and Google Cloud or SFTP.

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