Astrobox je bezplatný program pohyblivej grafiky s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom, ktorý vám umožňuje premeniť zvuk na vlastné, zdieľateľné videá. Kombinujte text, obrázky, animácie a efekty a vytvorte ohromujúce, jedinečné vizuály. Potom vytvorte videá vo vysokom rozlíšení, ktoré môžete zdieľať so svojimi fanúšikmi na sociálnych sieťach.
- Audio reactive: Astrofox performs real-time audio analysis of your music to drive amazing motion graphics. Watch as shapes and effects pulse, rotate and move to the beat of your music.
- Real-time rendering: Forget keyframes. Forget waiting for your scene to render. Everything in Astrofox is rendered in real-time. You can even add and manipulate effects as the music is playing.
- Precise control: Astrofox features a streamlined interface that let’s you easily control your visual elements. Quickly experiment with new ideas and watch them happen live.
- Infinite possibilities: Astrofox lets you compose individual scenes with their own set of displays and effects. Seamlessly blend scenes together to create something completely unique.