A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux.
We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS.
For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!
The motivation behind the project is to provide a native desktop app for Matrix that feels more like a mainstream chat app (Element, Telegram etc) and less like an IRC client. …Značka:matka
Offline aplikácia na úpravu máp pre mapovanie domorodého územia vo vzdialených prostrediach. Používa mapeo-core pre offline peer-to-peer synchronizáciu databázy OpenStreetMap bez akéhokoľvek servera. Editor máp je založený na iDEditor, jednoduchom a ľahko použiteľnom editore pre OpenStreetMap. … Značka:mapovanie
LAN Share is a cross platform local area network file transfer application, built using Qt GUI framework. It can be used to transfer a whole folder, one or more files, large or small immediatelly without any additional configuration. …Značka:LAN Share
LabPlot is a free software and cross-platform computer program for interactive scientific graphing and data analysis, written for the KDE desktop. …Značka:LabPlot