obrázok nakladača

Core Paint

Core Paint


CorePaint is a simple bitmap painting program to create very simple graphics. Free and open source program.

  • It is possible to work with the color of images: color picker, fill, spray;
  • There are tools for painting: lines, ellipse, curves, rectangles, pencil/pen, eraser and text;
  • Support for selecting the primary and secondary colors for painting;
  • It is possible to change the size of the image and canvas, as well as rotate the image;
  • It is possible to choose the thickness of painting tools;
  • Tab support;
  • Support for undo/redo actions with an image.

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Poskytuje veľa ďalších funkcií, ako je agregátor RSS, kalendár alebo ovládanie LED notebooku Poskytuje veľa ďalších funkcií, ako je agregátor RSS, kalendár alebo ovládanie LED notebooku Poskytuje veľa ďalších funkcií, ako je agregátor RSS, kalendár alebo ovládanie LED notebooku

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