obrázok nakladača




TupiTube (tiež známy ako Tupi 2D) je bezplatný a otvorený 2D animačný softvér, ktorý je zameraný na použiteľnosť pre deti, tínedžerov a amatérskych umelcov.
  • Support for basic tools for vector illustration that includes rectangles, ellipses, lines, and polygons. Paths can also be created using the pen or pencil tool. The paint bucket tool can be used to fill bounded areas of vector objects.
  • Raster images (sometimes called Bitmap) can be imported and used as either static backgrounds or animated assets.
  • Finished animations can be exported to various file formats that include: (Ogg Theora, AVI, MPEG, SWF. Or as a sequence of images in PNG, JPEG, and SVG format.
  • Basic support for tweening of positions, colors, rotation, scale, sheer, and opacity has been added to recent releases.
  • The Library panel allows for the organization and reuse of imported media assets.


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