slika nakladalnika

0Priporočamo, da spremljate naše posodobitve, saj boste včasih morda morali ročno narediti nekaj sprememb, da bo TROMjaro odličen ;). Ti lahko

RELEASE 03.12.2020

A few changes and a few updates. Here are the changes:

      • We fixed a few icons and created a bunch more that we hope to be added to the main Zafiro icon theme pack by the developers of it. You can always grab the latest icons from tukaj, and add the entire folder to your home/.local/share/icons/zafiro-icon-theme. That’s all. When the developers update the icon theme, the update will be pushed automatically to all TROMjaro users.
      • We added a password manager: KeePassXC. We tested this password manager for the past several years and it seems to be the best and easiest to use. We truly recommend this. We also installed a Firefox extension that integrates KeePassXC with the browser, so that your passwords are saved offline, on you computer, and encrypted. To set all of this up, it is super simple: open KeePassXC and create a new “database” (click, create). Then open your Firefox and click the KeePassXC Addon button (top-right corner).

        Then simply click connect. That’s it.
      • Prešel na novo jedro 5.4 LTS. To je jedro dolgotrajne podpore (LTS). Gre za redek dogodek, ki se zgodi vsakih nekaj let. Priporočamo, da stari uporabniki TROM-Jaro posodobijo na novo jedro. To je zelo enostavno. Namestite Weather app because we believe it is good to know that Climate Change is a thing :D.
      • We fixed an issue with the Firefox’s top bar. Go to Firefox’s menu -> Customize. Then enable the Title Bar,
Dodatna opomba: ob prvem zagonu po namestitvi se razširitev Unite ne naloži, kar velja tudi za nastavitve Firefoxa. Znova zaženite računalnik ali osvežite namizje s pritiskom na Alt + F2, napišite »r« in pritisnite enter. Ali pa zaprite Firefox in ga znova odprite. Ne vemo, kaj povzroča to napako, vendar jo je enostavno odpraviti tako, da preprosto znova zaženete računalnik, namizje ali Firefox. In po tem bo delovalo.

Avtor: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

Pustite odgovor

Vaš elektronski naslov ne bo objavljen. Obvezna polja so označena *

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Potrebujemo 200 ljudi, ki bodo donirali 5 evrov na mesec, da bomo za vedno podpirali TROM in vse njegove projekte.