While aiming at simplicity and ease of use, gedit is a powerful general purpose text editor.
Notable Features:
- Full support for internationalized text (UTF-8)
- Configurable syntax highlighting for various languages (C, C++, Java, HTML, XML, Python, Perl and many others)
- Undo/Redo
- Editing files from remote locations
- File reverting
- Print and print preview support
- Clipboard support (cut/copy/paste)
- Search and replace with support of regular expressions
- Go to specific line
- Auto indentation
- Text wrapping
- Line numbers
- Right margin
- Current line highlighting
- Bracket matching
- Backup files
- Configurable fonts and colors
- A complete online user manual
- A flexible plugin system which can be used to dynamically add new advanced features
Brezplačna pisarna
kot privzeti video/avdio predvajalnik. Želimo, da je TROMjaro zelo uporabniku prijazen, SMplayer in Exaile pa sta bila za povprečnega uporabnika nekoliko preveč zapletena, saj sta ponujala veliko več možnosti, kot jih večina ljudi verjetno potrebuje. Parole je zelo preprost predvajalnik in zelo enostaven za uporabo tako za video kot zvočne datoteke. Seveda lahko vsak namesti SMplayer in Exaile iz naše knjižnice aplikacij brez trgovine.
Urejevalnik particij GParted
I am using this little app to take notes, edit CSS or JS files (or any text-based files for that matter), lots of TROM-related stuff. Simple, powerful.