slika nakladalnika

Metulj Linwood

Metulj Linwood


Butterfly is a note app where your ideas come first. You can paint, add texts and export them easily on every device. This app works on android, windows, linux and in the web.


  • Simple and intuitive: Every tool is on the right place. Open the app and start drawing. Change your tools by clicking on it.
  • Customizable: Change everything to your needs. Choose your custom color, create a palette and add your pages to the paper. The paper has an infinite size, perfect for your ideas and notes.
  • Your data will be saved locally: Everything will be saved local on your computer. Export the notes as image or as json files which can be opened on a different device.

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Vaš elektronski naslov ne bo objavljen. Obvezna polja so označena *

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