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Oznaka: playlist


VVave manages your music collection by retrieving semantic information from the web, create playlists, tag music tracks, support for remote streaming using Nextcloud, and allows you to watch YouTube content.

za namestitev ustrezne aplikacije Webtorrent. Ne skrbite, med postopkom bo odstranil stari Webtorrent + vaše nastavitve bodo še vedno na mestu. Preden to storite, zaprite Webtorrent, če ga imate odprto - Datoteka - Zapri. To je vse!

Simple interface. Powerful music management. Smart Playlists. Advanced track tagging. Automatic album art. Lyrics. Streaming Radio. Podcasts. Secondary output device support. Easily extensible with 50+ plugins available.


DeaDBeeF lets you play variety of audio formats, convert between them, customize the UI almost any way you want, and use many additional plugins which can extend it even more.

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