loader mufananidzo




Chishandiso chiri nyore, chinonzwisisika chekugadzira 2D inodhirowa nemaoko mifananidzo.

Minimal Design

Yakareruka uye iri nyore kushandisa kuti iwe ugone kutarisa kune animating uye kwete ripi bhatani rekurova rinotevera.

Raster & Vector

Seamlessly switch between raster and vector workflows, allowing you to sketch, ink & paint on the go.


Pencil2D is cross-platform and runs on Windows, macOS, Linux & FreeBSD.

Open Source & Free

Pencil2D yakavhurika sosi uye yakasununguka kushandisa, kunyangwe kutengeserana!

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View all post by 2024 TROM-JaroView all post by View all post byView all post by

Tinoda vanhu mazana maviri kuti vape 5 Euros pamwedzi kuitira kutsigira TROM nemapurojekiti ayo ese, zvachose.