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Category: apps


Palapeli is a single-player jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids. The pieces are freely moveable. Also, Palapeli features real persistency, i.e. everything you do is saved on your disk immediately. … Enderera kuverengaPalapeli


OpenRA is a project that recreates and modernizes the classic Command & Conquer real time strategy games. We have developed a flexible open source game engine (the OpenRA engine) that provides a common platform for rebuilding and reimagining classic 2D and 2.5D RTS games (the OpenRA mods). … Enderera kuverengaOpenRA

KColor Sarudza

KColorChooser chishandiso chependi yemavara, chinoshandiswa kusanganisa mavara uye kugadzira mapeji emavara etsika. Ichishandisa dropper, inogona kuwana ruvara rwepixel chero pachiratidziri. Anoverengeka akajairwa mavara palettes anosanganisirwa, akadai seakajairwa Webhu mavara uye iyo Oxygen color scheme. … Enderera kuverengaKColor Sarudza

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