sawir qaade



sawir qaade

A small and simple sound and music player that is well integrated with GNOME.

Amberol aspires to be as small, unintrusive, and simple as possible. It does not manage your music collection; it does not let you manage playlists, smart or otherwise; it does not let you edit the metadata for your songs; it does not show you lyrics for your songs, or the Wikipedia page for your bands.

Amberol plays music, and nothing else.

Kaga jawaab

Ciwaanka emailkaaga lama daabici doono Goobaha loo baahan yahay waa la calaamadeeyay *

Xuquuqda daabacaadda © 2025 sawir qaade. Dhammaan Xuquuqaha Way Dhawrsan Yihiin. | Qofka Fudud eeMawduucyada Qabso

Waxaan u baahanahay 200 oo qof si ay ugu deeqaan 5 Euros bishii si ay u taageeraan TROM iyo dhammaan mashaariicdiisa, weligood.