Deskreen waxay u beddeshaa qalab kasta oo leh biraawsarkaaga shabakadu u beddelo shaashad labaad oo kombuyuutarkaaga ah.
Weli software kale oo fog fog, oo ku qoran Rust. Ka shaqeeya meel ka baxsan sanduuqa, looma baahna qaabayn Waxaad si buuxda u maamusho xogtaada, adigoon wax welwel ah ka qabin amniga.
Gnome Connections
A remote desktop client for the GNOME desktop environment
KRDC is a client application that allows you to view or even control the desktop session on another machine that is running a compatible server. VNC and RDP is supported.
Vinagre is a remote desktop viewer for GNOME.
Use other desktops remotely, from a tiny screen or large monitors.