Calligra Suite is an office and graphic art suite by KDE. It is available for desktop PCs, tablet computers, and smartphones. It contains applications for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, vector graphics, and editing databases.
- Words: Calligra Words is an intuitive word processor application with desktop publishing features. With it, you can create informative and attractive documents with ease. Calligra Words makes adding images, charts etc to your documents effortless. It’s as simple as dragging it onto the document.
- Sheets: Calligra Sheets is a fully-featured spreadsheet application. Use it to quickly create spreadsheets with formulas and charts, to calculate and organize your data.
- Kexi: KEXI is a visual database applications creator. It can be used for designing database applications, inserting and editing data, performing queries, and processing data. Forms can be created to provide a custom interface to your data. All database objects – tables, queries, forms, reports – are stored in the database, making it easy to share data and design.
- Karbon: Karbon is a vector drawing application with an user interface that is easy to use, highly customizable and extensible. That makes Karbon a great application for users starting to explore the world of vector graphics as well as for artists wanting to create breathtaking vector art.
- Plan: Plan is a project management application. It is intended for managing moderately large projects with multiple resources.To enable you to model your project adequately, Plan offers different types of task dependencies and timing constraints. The usual use case is to define your tasks, estimate the effort needed to perform each task, allocate resources and then let Plan schedule the tasks according to network and resource availability.
- Stage: Calligra Stage is a powerful and easy to use presentation application.You can dazzle your audience with stunning slides containing images, videos, animation and more
- Gemini: Calligra Gemini is an open source office suite updated with a transforming interface for 2 in 1 devices, is a cool step in office application design.
Modular: Non është një DAW modular. Modular në kuptimin Unix. Kjo është unike. DAW të tjera, edhe në fushën e softuerit të lirë, janë të mëdha, të fryra dhe, si rregull, monolite. Kjo bie ndesh me filozofinë Unix dhe nuk arrin të përfitojë plotësisht nga fuqia dhe fleksibiliteti i
Zyra Libre
Me WebApps ju mund të transformoni çdo faqe interneti në një aplikacion. Shkoni në çdo faqe interneti, kopjoni ngjitur URL-në, jepini një emër dhe voila. Aplikacioni ueb tani është pjesë e sistemit tuaj si çdo aplikacion tjetër. Nëse keni të instaluar shfletues të ndryshëm, mund të zgjidhni cilindo prej tyre për këtë punë. Zgjidhni një ikonë të personalizuar nga paketa e ikonave ose ndonjë imazh nga kompjuteri juaj. Ne rekomandojmë aplikacionet tona të internetit trom.tf për këtë. Ato janë pa tregti dhe jashtëzakonisht të dobishme.
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