Ky aplikacion është një redaktues bazë imazhesh, i ngjashëm me Microsoft Paint, por që synon desktopin e GNOME.
PNG, JPEG and BMP files are supported.
Besides GNOME, some more traditional design layouts are available too, as well as an elementaryOS layout. It should also be compatible with Purism’s Librem 5 phone.
Classic tools
- Pencil (options: dashes, blur, eraser, …)
- Line (options: arrow, dashes, blur, gradient, …)
- Arc (options: arrow, dashes, …)
- Insert text (options: font, shadow, font size, …)
- Shape (rectangle/circle/oval/polygon/free shape, options: filling, …)
- Color picker
- Paint (options: remove a color, …)
Selection tools
These tools allow you to define an area (rectangle or free), which you can move, cut, copy, paste, edit with canvas tools, export, open as a new image, etc.
- Rectangle selection
- Free shape selection
- Adjacent color selection
Canvas/selection edition tools
These tools allow to edit the whole image, or to edit a selected part of it.
- Crop (remark: the previewed picture isn’t at the actual scale)
- Scale (options: keep proportions or not)
- Rotate (rotate or flip)
- Filters (blur, increase or decrease saturation, invert colors, pixelate)