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Nuclear Player

Nuclear Player

(Me çfarë po tregtoj?)

Because it is using YouTube, Jamedo or SoundCloud to stream audio files and allows the use of, then these companies may want trades (data) from users.


Modern music player focused on streaming from free sources. There’s no need to be subjected to tracking and profiling just to listen to your favourite artists. Nuclear empowers you to listen to what you want, where you want, and how you want, for free.

  • Searching for and playing music from YouTube (including integration with playlists), Jamendo, and SoundCloud
  • Searching for albums (powered by and Discogs), album view, automatic song lookup based on artist and track name (in progress, can be dodgy sometimes)
  • Song queue, which can be exported as a playlist
  • Loading saved playlists (stored in json files)
  • Scrobbling to (along with updating the ‘now playing’ status)
  • Newest releases with reviews – tracks and albums
  • Browsing by genre
  • Radio mode (automatically queue similar tracks)
  • Unlimited downloads (powered by youtube)
  • Realtime lyrics
  • Browsing by popularity
  • List of favorite tracks
  • Listening from local library

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Ne kemi nevojë për 200 njerëz për të dhuruar 5 euro në muaj për të mbështetur TROM-in dhe të gjitha projektet e saj, përgjithmonë.