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Blénder mangrupikeun suite kreasi 3D gratis sareng open source. Ieu ngarojong entirety tina pipa 3D-modeling, rigging, animasi, simulasi, rendering, compositing sarta tracking gerak, ngedit video tur pipa animasi 2D.
Siklus Render Engine

Siklus mangrupikeun mesin jalur-tracer anu teu bias diwangun ku Blender anu nawiskeun rendering ultra-realistis anu endah.

  • Sawangan viewport sacara real-time
  • CPU & GPU rendering
  • PBR shaders & HDR lighting support
  • rojongan Rendering VR
Modeling, Sculpt, UV

Asép Sunandar Sunarya komprehensif ngeunaan parabot modeling Blender ngajadikeun nyieun, ngarobah jeung ngédit model anjeun angin ngahiliwir.

  • rojongan N-Gon pinuh
  • Geser tepi, inset, grid sareng bridge fill, sareng seueur deui
  • parabot sculpting canggih tur brushes
  • Multi-resolution and Dynamic subdivision
  • 3D painting with textured brushes and masking
  • Python scripting for custom tools and add-ons

VFX professionals say: “Probably the best tracker in the market”. Blender includes production ready camera and object tracking. Allowing you to import raw footage, track the footage, mask areas and see the camera movements live in your 3D scene. Eliminating the need to switch between programs.

  • Auto and Manual tracking
  • Powerful camera reconstruction
  • Real-time preview of your tracked footage and 3D scene
  • Support for Planar tracking and Tripod solvers
Animation & Rigging

Thanks to the high quality rigging and animation tools, Blender is being used for numerous short films, advertisements, TV series and feature films now.

  • Envelope, skeleton and automatic skinning
  • B-spline interpolated bones
  • Curve editor and dope sheets
  • Custom bone shapes for fast input
  • Sound synchronization
Story Art, Drawing 2D in 3D

Really! Drawing directly in a 3D viewport makes a lot of sense. It opens unsurpassed workflow freedom for story-boarders and 2D artists.

  • Combine 2D with 3D right in the viewport
  • Full Animation Support with Onion Skinning
  • Layers & Colors for Stroke and Fill
  • Sculpt brush strokes & Parent to 3D objects
Make it Your Own

Blender has a flexible Python controlled interface. Layout, colors, size and even fonts can be adjusted. Use hundreds of add-ons by the community or create your own using Blender’s accessible Python API.

  • Customize the interface layout and colors
  • Hi-res/Retina screen support
  • Jieun parabot Anjeun sorangan jeung add-ons
  • Gambar dina viewport OpenGL
  • Sambungkeun sareng Blénder Render API

pangarang: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

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