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Free open source plain-text file markdown note taking with Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.

  • All notes are stored as plain-text markdown files on your computer, no “vendor lock-in”.
  • Use Nextcloud, ownCloud or other services to work with your notes online or sync them across devices.
  • Heavily customizable and scriptable, you are in control of on how you want to work with your notes.
  • You can use your existing text or markdown files, no need for an import most of the times
  • Evernote import
  • Compatible with the Notes application of Nextcloud / ownCloud jeung mobile and Nextcloud Text
  • Rojongan pikeun sharing notes on your ownCloud / Nextcloud server
  • Manage your Nextcloud / ownCloud todo lists (Nextcloud tasks or Tasks Plus / Calendar Plus) or use another CalDAV server to sync your tasks to
  • Older versions of your notes can be restored from your Nextcloud / ownCloud server
  • Trashed notes can be restored from your Nextcloud / ownCloud server
  • External changes of note files are watched (notes or note list are reloaded)
  • Rojongan pikeun hierarchical note tagging jeung note subfolders
  • Optional encryption of notes (AES-256 is built in or you can use custom encryption methods like new window) (encryption-keybase.qml (opens new window)) or PGP (encryption-pgp.qml
  • (opens new window)))
  • The notes folder can be freely chosen (multiple note folders can be used)
  • Sub-string searching of notes is possible and search results are highlighted in the notes
  • Browser extension to add notes from the selected text, make screenshots or manage your bookmarks
  • Spellchecking support
  • Portable mode for carrying QOwnNotes around on USB sticks
  • Scripting support and an online script repository
  • (opens new window) where you can install scripts inside the application
  • Vim mode

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