Fragments is an easy to use BitTorrent client for the GNOME desktop environment. It is usable for receiving files using the BitTorrent protocol, which enables you to transmit huge files, like videos or installation images for Linux distributions. …
aMule mangrupikeun klien sapertos eMule pikeun jaringan eD2k sareng Kademlia, ngadukung sababaraha platform.
Ayeuna aMule (sacara resmi) ngadukung rupa-rupa platform sareng sistem operasi, cocog sareng langkung ti 60 konfigurasi hardware + OS anu béda.
aMule sagemblengna bébas, sourcecode na dirilis dina GPL kawas eMule, sarta teu kaasup adware atawa spyware sakumaha mindeng kapanggih dina aplikasi P2P proprietary. …