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Moving releases to our forum!

We are moving the releases to our new forum. It is better for everyone to do it like that. From now on please use the forum to stay up to date with the releases. The new releases links is this one https://forum.tromjaro.com/c/releases/5

You will not receive email notifications when we release a new ISO from now on, so be aware of that. But you can easily follow the releases if you sign up for the forum or via our “follow” page.

See you there!

Гузаштан ба мундариҷа

Гузаштан ба мундариҷа Гузаштан ба мундариҷа Гузаштан ба мундариҷа

Мо ба 200 нафар ниёз дорем, ки дар як моҳ 5 евро хайрия кунанд, то TROM ва ҳамаи лоиҳаҳои онро то абад дастгирӣ кунанд.