Endeavour is an intuitive and powerful application to manage your personal tasks.
Todo application for those who prefer simplicity.
Beaver Notes
Welcome to Beaver Notes, a privacy-focused note-taking application.
Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana.
Your plan for improving personal life and workflow.
KTimeTracker is a todo management and time tracking application.
sleek is a todo app based on todo.txt, free and open-source.
Trilium Notes is a hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases.
Маҳсулнокии супер
Put a task into your project for today or schedule it to another day to keep your head free.
Системаи оператсионии бе савдо дар асоси Manjaro Linux. Мо фикр мекунем, ки истифодаи он нисбат ба MacOS осонтар аст, беҳтар аз Windows, аз Android танзимшавандатар ва нисбат ба iOS бехатартар аст. Барои корбарони интернет, муҳаррирони ВАО/истеъмолкунандагон, барномасозон, нависандагон, тарроҳон, рассомон. Ҳама!
(GTG) is a personal tasks and TODO-list items organizer for the GNOME desktop environment