Teie râ, te vai ra te tahi atu porotarama roro uira atea, i papaihia i Rust. A tatara i te mau api parau i roto i te afata, aita e faaauraa. E hi'opoa maitai oe i ta oe mau haamaramaramaraa, e aita e haapeapearaa no nia i te vai - maitai - raa.
Ti'a faatere ohipa
Easy to use task manager.
Te taata haapa'o i te hooraa fare
Te taata haapao i te mau ohipa no te LXDE Desktop.
The Ristretto Image Viewer is an application that can be used to view, and scroll through images.
Te taata pata hoho'a
The Xfce4-screenshooter is an application that can be used to take snapshots of your desktop screen.
Taata a'o ia au i te ana'iraa piapa
The Application Finder is a program to find and launch installed applications on your system, and quickly execute commands.
Popsicle is a Linux utility for flashing multiple USB devices in parallel, written in Rust.
KBackup is an application which lets you back up your data in a simple, user friendly way
PeaZip free file archiver utility, open extract RAR TAR ZIP files
Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa
The main goal of luckyBackup, as its name states, is the creation of backups of your data.