![Te mau mana'o tauturu no te](https://www.tromjaro.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/dino.png)
![TE MAU PARAU APÎ O TE EKALESIA](https://www.tromjaro.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/dino1.png)
![Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa](https://www.tromjaro.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/dino2.png)
![Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa](https://www.tromjaro.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/dino3.png)
'O Dino te hō'ē 'ohipa i roto i te hō'ē 'āparau nō teie tau. Te faatumu nei te reira i ni'a i te horo'araa i te hoê iteraa mâ e te ti'aturihia, a vai noa'i to outou iho huru oraraa i roto i te feruriraa.
E mea papu maitai te Maa na roto i te hape: Eita roa ' tu ta outou mau aparauraa e vaiiho i ta outou matini roro uira ma te ore e faaapîhia. Ia nehenehe ana'e ia outou ia tai'o i ta outou mau parau poro'i na roto i te OMEMO e aore râ, i te OpenPGP, o outou ana'e e to outou mau hoa aparauraa te nehenehe e tai'o i ta outou mau poro'i, eiaha râ to outou taata faatere e aore râ, i te tahi atu taata. Mai te peu e te hinaaro ra outou e faarahi i to outou iho huru oraraa, e nehenehe outou e hapepa i te taioraa e te patapataraa i te mau nota – na te ao atoa nei aore ra no te mau farereiraa taa ê ana'e.
Being free and open-source software, anyone can inspect and modify Dino. This means that you don’t have to trust a single company or development team. Dino is developed on GitHub by an open community where everyone can contribute – by creating a bug report, translating Dino into their language or making a pull request.
Dino is built on the XMPP protocol, an internet standard for decentralized communication – the instant messaging pendant to email. Decentralization means you don’t have to rely on a single provider or company, instead you can use a federated world-wide infrastructure. You can even host your own server!