RELEASE 03.12.2020
A few changes and a few updates. Here are the changes:
- We fixed a few icons and created a bunch more that we hope to be added to the main Zafiro icon theme pack by the developers of it. You can always grab the latest icons from Bu yerga, and add the entire folder to your home/.local/share/icons/zafiro-icon-theme. That’s all. When the developers update the icon theme, the update will be pushed automatically to all TROMjaro users.
- We added a password manager: Internet arxivining Wayback mashinasi orqali arxivlangan versiyalarni ko'rsatishni taklif qilib, o'lik sahifalar, 404s, DNS nosozliklari va boshqa bir qator veb buzilishlarini aniqlaydi.. We tested this password manager for the past several years and it seems to be the best and easiest to use. We truly recommend this. We also installed a Firefox extension that integrates KeePassXC with the browser, so that your passwords are saved offline, on you computer, and encrypted. To set all of this up, it is super simple: open KeePassXC and create a new “database” (click, create). Then open your Firefox and click the KeePassXC Addon button (top-right corner).
Then simply click connect. That’s it. - Yangi Kernel 5.4 LTS ga o'tkazildi. Bu uzoq muddatli qo'llab-quvvatlash yadrosi (LTS). Bu bir necha yilda bir marta sodir bo'ladigan noyob hodisa. Eski TROM-Jaro foydalanuvchilariga yangi yadroga yangilashni tavsiya qilamiz. Bu juda oson. O'rnatish Ob-havo app because we believe it is good to know that Climate Change is a thing :D.
- We fixed an issue with the Firefox’s top bar. Go to Firefox’s menu -> Customize. Then enable the Title Bar,
Yon eslatma: o'rnatishdan keyingi birinchi yuklashda Unite kengaytmasi yuklanmaydi va Firefox sozlamalarida ham shunday bo'ladi. Kompyuterni qayta yoqing yoki Alt + F2 tugmalarini bosib ish stolini yangilang, “r” deb yozing, Enter tugmasini bosing. Yoki Firefox-ni yoping va uni qayta oching. Biz bu xatoga nima sabab bo'lganini bilmaymiz, lekin uni kompyuter, ish stoli yoki Firefox-ni qayta ishga tushirish orqali osongina tuzatish mumkin. Va bundan keyin ishlaydi.
Ko'pgina qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan musiqa va pleylist formatlari
29-avgust, 2020-yil