RELEASE 04.10.2020
A few changes and a few updates. Here are the changes:
- We accidentally removed the Firefox ‘Dat P2P Protocol‘ Addon. It was not worth rebuilding the ISO just for adding it back, but we recommend leaving it there if you already have TROMjaro installed, and if you use this ISO simply follow the link above and install it. We apologize and we will bring it back in the next ISO release.
- We installed the “Internet arxivining Wayback mashinasi orqali arxivlangan versiyalarni ko'rsatishni taklif qilib, o'lik sahifalar, 404s, DNS nosozliklari va boshqa bir qator veb buzilishlarini aniqlaydi.” Firefox extension. The extension redirects popular trade-based websites such as youtube, instagram, twitter and google maps, to their trade-free alternatives. Since at times these alternatives do not work, we disabled its functionality by default. You can enable these “redirects” by simply clicking the top “eye” icon in Firefox and choosing what to redirect and what not. We are keeping a close eye on the development of this Addon and we will even try to provide instances for these alternative trade-free services, so that we make it more robust.
Yon eslatma: o'rnatishdan keyingi birinchi yuklashda Unite kengaytmasi yuklanmaydi va Firefox sozlamalarida ham shunday bo'ladi. Kompyuterni qayta yoqing yoki Alt + F2 tugmalarini bosib ish stolini yangilang, “r” deb yozing, Enter tugmasini bosing. Yoki Firefox-ni yoping va uni qayta oching. Biz bu xatoga nima sabab bo'lganini bilmaymiz, lekin uni kompyuter, ish stoli yoki Firefox-ni qayta ishga tushirish orqali osongina tuzatish mumkin. Va bundan keyin ishlaydi.
Ko'pgina qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan musiqa va pleylist formatlari
29-avgust, 2020-yil