yuklovchi tasviri

0yuklovchi tasviri

RELEASE 03.12.2020

        • We migrated to kernel 510. This is the latest long term release (LTS) kernel. The kernel is the core of the operating system, providing the drivers and all of these ‘goodies’. The newer the kernel, the better the compatibility with the hardware. So we highly recommend everyone to upgrade to the latest kernel. This is one in a year or more event, mind you. To upgrade, open the Manjaro Settings:

          Go to “kernel” and install the 5.10 version by simply clicking the “install” button. After the installation is done reboot your computer in order to use it. In the very first seconds of your computer rebooting, press SHIFT on your keyboard multiple times until you see a menu. Select the Advanced options, and then select the kernel 5.10.

          That’s all. From now on your computer will use the newer kernel. Congrats!
        • We replaced the packages cups and hplip with manjaro-printer, because this package should contain all that is needed for printers to properly work.

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