yuklovchi tasviri


RELEASE 30.08.2020

A few other changes and a few updates. Here are the changes:

  • We removed the bookmarks from Firefox that were redirecting to our tromsite.com project (books, videos, etc.). Although these are trade-free and important services, we do not want to appear as if we “promote” them. So they are removed. We may create WebApps out of some of these and ship with TROMjaro if these WebApps are useful for the general TROMjaro users, not a niche.
  • We installed linux54-headers package. Could be useful, so we recommend you install it.
  • We installed RiseupVPN, a trade-free VPN Client. Though the trade-free Bitmask application, you can connect to several VPN providers in order to access geo-restricted content and/or to protect your traffic from your Internet Provider. Bitmask works very well with Calyx, a trade-free VPN service offered by The Calyx Institute as part of its non-profit mission. Open Bitmask, click “create new account“, then click the “+” to add a new VPN. Write “29-avgust, 2020-yil” as the Domain, then click “next“. Register an account with calyx.net in the next page, and that’s it. Remember your credentials. You can create as many accounts with calyx.net as you want. Turn on the VPN. Now your traffic will be routed through the Calyx VPN.If you want, go to Tweaks, then Startup Applications, click the + sign, and add Bitmask so that it will automatically start when the computer starts.

Chrome OS mavzusi

Chrome OS mavzusi Chrome OS mavzusi Chrome OS mavzusi

Oldingi TROM-Jaro foydalanuvchilari uchun TROMrepo-ni yangilashdan boshqa hech qanday maxsus narsa yo'q (ba'zi paketlarni olib tashladik) - terminalni oching va "sudo pacman -Syu" ni nusxalash - kiriting, so'ngra parolingizni kiriting. Ikkinchidan, “sudo pacman -Syu pamac-url-handler --overwrite /usr/bin/pamac-url-handler” (kiritish) terminaliga ushbu qatorni qo‘shing, shunda veb-o‘rnatuvchini qo‘llab-quvvatlashni yaxshiroq yoqishingiz mumkin. Ana xolos. 2024 yil yuklovchi tasviriOldingi TROM-Jaro foydalanuvchilari uchun TROMrepo-ni yangilashdan boshqa hech qanday maxsus narsa yo'q (ba'zi paketlarni olib tashladik) - terminalni oching va "sudo pacman -Syu" ni nusxalash - kiriting, so'ngra parolingizni kiriting. Ikkinchidan, “sudo pacman -Syu pamac-url-handler --overwrite /usr/bin/pamac-url-handler” (kiritish) terminaliga ushbu qatorni qo‘shing, shunda veb-o‘rnatuvchini qo‘llab-quvvatlashni yaxshiroq yoqishingiz mumkin. Ana xolos. Oldingi TROM-Jaro foydalanuvchilari uchun TROMrepo-ni yangilashdan boshqa hech qanday maxsus narsa yo'q (ba'zi paketlarni olib tashladik) - terminalni oching va "sudo pacman -Syu" ni nusxalash - kiriting, so'ngra parolingizni kiriting. Ikkinchidan, “sudo pacman -Syu pamac-url-handler --overwrite /usr/bin/pamac-url-handler” (kiritish) terminaliga ushbu qatorni qo‘shing, shunda veb-o‘rnatuvchini qo‘llab-quvvatlashni yaxshiroq yoqishingiz mumkin. Ana xolos.Oldingi TROM-Jaro foydalanuvchilari uchun TROMrepo-ni yangilashdan boshqa hech qanday maxsus narsa yo'q (ba'zi paketlarni olib tashladik) - terminalni oching va "sudo pacman -Syu" ni nusxalash - kiriting, so'ngra parolingizni kiriting. Ikkinchidan, “sudo pacman -Syu pamac-url-handler --overwrite /usr/bin/pamac-url-handler” (kiritish) terminaliga ushbu qatorni qo‘shing, shunda veb-o‘rnatuvchini qo‘llab-quvvatlashni yaxshiroq yoqishingiz mumkin. Ana xolos.

TROM va uning barcha loyihalarini abadiy qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun bizga 200 kishi oyiga 5 evrodan xayriya qilishlari kerak.