Sayonara futbolchisi
FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface.
Among others, the features of FileZilla include the following:
- Easy to use
- Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
- Cross-platform. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD, Mac OS X and more
- IPv6 support
- Available in many languages
- Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB
- Tabbed user interface
- Powerful Site Manager and transfer queue
- Bookmarks
- Drag & drop support
- Configurable transfer speed limits
- Filename filters
- Directory comparison
- Network configuration wizard
- Remote file editing
- Keep-alive
- HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP-Proxy support
- Logging to file
- Synchronized directory browsing
- Remote file search
Ko'pgina qo'llab-quvvatlanadigan musiqa va pleylist formatlari
WebApps yordamida istalgan veb-saytni ilovaga aylantirishingiz mumkin. Har qanday veb-saytga o'ting, URL manzilini nusxa ko'chiring, unga nom bering va voila. Veb-ilova endi boshqa ilovalar kabi tizimingizning bir qismidir. Agar sizda turli xil brauzerlar o'rnatilgan bo'lsa, ish uchun ulardan birini tanlashingiz mumkin. Belgilar to'plamidan shaxsiy belgini yoki kompyuteringizdagi istalgan tasvirni tanlang. Buning uchun veb-ilovalarimizni tavsiya qilamiz. Ular savdosiz va juda foydali.
We are using this piece of software for at least 10 years to manage TROM servers. It simply works!
Hi, how to set dark a mode theme Filezilla ?
Hi and sorry for the late reply. In TROMjaro it automatically works if you have selected a dark theme in Tweaks.