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Audio yozuvchisi

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Sayonara futbolchisi

This amazing program allows you to record your favourite music and audio to a file. It can record audio from your system’s sound card, microphones, browsers, webcams & more. Put simply; if it plays out of your loudspeakers you can record it.

It has an advanced timer that can:
* Start, stop or pause recording at a given clock time.
* Start, stop or pause after a time period.
* Stop when the recorded file size exceeds a limit.
* Start recording on voice or sound (user can set the audio threshold).
* Stop or pause recording on “silence” (user can set the audio threshold and delay).

The recording can be automatically controlled by MPRIS2-compatible media players.

1 haqida o'ylash "Audio yozuvchisiRaqamli sozlamalar paneli sizga translyatsiya yoki yozib olishning har bir jihatini sozlash uchun keng konfiguratsiya opsiyalariga kirish imkonini beradi.

  1. I think this is the best audio recorder simply because it is very easy to use. No extra useless features that can stay in your way.

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