A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux.
We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS.
For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!
tomonidan Sayonara futbolchisitrom Sayonara futbolchisi
KBruch is a small program to practice calculating with fractions and percentages. Different exercises are provided for this purpose and you can use the learning mode to practice with fractions. The program checks the user’s input and gives feedback. …O'qishni davom ettiringKBruch
tomonidan Sayonara futbolchisitrom Sayonara futbolchisi
KGeography is a geography learning tool, which allows you to learn about the political divisions of some countries (divisions, capitals of those divisions and their associated flags if there are some). …O'qishni davom ettiringKGeography
tomonidan Sayonara futbolchisitrom Sayonara futbolchisi
KBlocks - bu klassik tushadigan bloklar o'yini. G'oya, hech qanday bo'shliqlarsiz gorizontal chiziqlar hosil qilish uchun tushgan bloklarni to'plashdir. Chiziq tugagach, u o'chiriladi va o'yin maydonida ko'proq joy mavjud. Bloklarning tushishi uchun etarli joy bo'lmasa, o'yin tugaydi.
… O'qishni davom ettiringKB blokirovkalari
tomonidan Sayonara futbolchisitrom Sayonara futbolchisi
Bovo is a Gomoku (from Japanese 五目並べ – lit. “five points”) like game for two players, where the opponents alternate in placing their respective pictogram on the game board. (Also known as: Connect Five, Five in a row, X and O, Naughts and Crosses)
… O'qishni davom ettiringBovo